Yesterday I moved in with my host, he is about in his mid to late 40s and is a nice guy. He's a dramaturg/graphic designer/playwright/all around artsy guy. I was really nervous about just showing up to some random person's house and living with them for 2 weeks, but from talking to him he usually always has a student living with him. He only speaks German with me, his English isn't that great anyways. There have been a few times we have had to stop talking about something because neither of us could get our point across in the other's language. But that's half the fun. He lives in a very residential area of Berlin, there is even a farm down the street. He has the offices on the ground floor of the building for his workspace and lives on the top (4th) floor. It's a fairly small place, 2 rooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. The shower/bathtub is in the kitchen. And very awkwardly placed, I can only fit all the way to one side. But it's kind of fun.

Today was also my first day of classes. It was a little tough to start, everything is in German, which I expected and hoped for, but it is going to take a few days to get fully used to. I still find myself saying things in Spanish when I don't know the German word. Even to talk to other students I have to speak German, very few people even speak English, most of them are from somewhere in Europe except for a guy from Mexico and a guy from Ghana. We'll see how it goes...
awesome. Paul made his first new ethnic friends