I leave today for Germany. I have a long trip ahead of me, through Colombia and Spain, but am excited for whatever lies ahead. I had a great time here in Panama and thank everyone that came to visit me. I was here for almost 3 months and went only about 3 weeks without having someone visiting, it was great. Best (and longest) vacation ever. Last night we had a party at Andy's with the group of friends we've made down here and had a delicious lasagna feast.
Here's a few numbers from my time down here
# times I rented a car: 4
# times stopped and had to pay off the cops: 3
# of Balboas (my favorite Panamanian beer): probably a million
# times I was punched in the stomach by someones mom: 1
# islands visited: 8
# days I went without showering when we had no fresh water: 6
# hot showers I've been able to take while down here: 5
# pictures taken: 2,090
This is the end of the Panama posts, off to Deutschland!

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