Friday, September 11, 2009


I finally have pictures from the people I went with so here's Ireland:

My friend Adam and a few of his friends, a few of whom I was already acquaintances with, came to Berlin for a few days. We did some touristy stuff, much of which I hadn't done yet. Then we flew to Ireland. There were there were 7 of us (we met up with a friend from Ireland and he came with us for the time there), so we rented two cars. And drove the entire island and stayed in every major city and saw everything there is to see in Ireland. We put over 1,000 miles on the cars in 4 days. We got lost every day, but those sometimes hours-long detours really took us to some of the best parts of the country side.

We flew into Dublin and Drove to Cork, spent the night, then went to Blarney Castle the next day.

I kissed the Blarney Stone. Rated the World's Most Unhygienic Tourist Attraction. It's at the very top of this castle, along the wall on the left. You have to get on your back and bend over backward while grabbing onto bars to hold yourself. It's pretty high up. But I'm brave like a superhero so I didn't cry (too much).

After the castle we were on the road again to Galway. We would stop off in towns like Limerick and Kerry for beers in pubs, finally making it to Galway by about midnight (which turned into a recurring theme for the rest of the trip). Not to waste any time, we hit the clubs. At one point that night I was riding a mechanical bull. We eventually all got up the next day, and got back in the cars to head to the cliffs of Moher. Really beautiful. Very windy.

After the Cliffs of Moher we drove towards Belfast. If you look at the map above, the Cliffs of Moher are between Limerick and Galway, and we were going to be driving to Belfast, attempting to stop at some monument or cemetery (or both). This was when we got lost for a good few hours and ended up finally in Belfast at exactly 12 Midnight. Of course we still went out that night, and of course, since it was a Sunday night in Belfast at about 1am, we had the entire club to ourselves. I'm not even exactly sure how it got started, but for some reason the hotel staff believed we were a famous band from the US, but since they didn't know who we were, we wouldn't tell them. They absolutely loved us and treated us like royalty. They would whisper and watch us in the bar. And didn't yell at us when we got noise complaints from other guests.

The next day we got up to go see the Giant's Causeway, on the farthest northern point on the island of Ireland. What we though would be a quick 2 hour trip before heading back to Dublin of course turned into a 7 hour detour, but well worth it to see the Northern Irish coast and Giant's Causeway.
After the Causeway it was in the cars and back to Dublin, another 4 or 5 hours. We finally got into Dublin (about Midnight), checked in to the hotel then hit the clubs. the next day was the bus tour of Dublin. Stopped at all the major sights, like St Patrick's Cathedral and the Guinness Brewery. First and last full Guinness I will ever drink. Like chilled jet fuel

This was the last day of the trip. My flight left at 6am, so I decided it was best to just stay up until i had to take my cab at 4. So after dinner we went to the casino, where everyone was up at least a hundred euros...except me. While everyone else was hitting black jack every other draw, I was almost always dealt 12, then a face card on the hit. After all my money was gone, I was eventually banished from the table for bringing bad luck to whomever I was standing next to. Luck of the Irish my ass

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